This function is designed to handle the output of colloc_leipzig to generate a tidy data frame required as input of collex_fye. The latter is used to compute collexeme/collocate strength using one-tailed Fisher-Yates Exact test.

  list_output = NULL,
  leipzig_wordlist_path = leipzig_mywordlist_path,
  node_pattern = "regex for the node word",
  span = NULL,
  stopwords_list = NULL



The list output of colloc_leipzig.


Full path to the wordlist table for each Leipzig Corpus File. This can be a plain text file or an .RData file.


Regex patterns of the node word specified in colloc_leipzig.


Character vector of the context-window span user wants to focus on for the collexeme/collocate analysis. For instance, single span: "l1", "r1"; or multiple spans: c("r1", "r2").


A character vector of the stopword list.


A tibble data frame


if (FALSE) { # retrieve collocates for a given word rgx <- "\\bmengakhir\\b" coll_df <- colloc_leipzig(leipzig_path = leipzig_corpus_path, pattern = rgx, window = "r", span = 4, save_results = FALSE, to_lower_colloc = TRUE) # get only the collocates output list_output <- coll_df$collocates # collstr analysis for collocates from Leipzig Corpora ### prepare input table for coll.analysis ### <--- HERE IS THE CALL FOR collex_prepare_leipzig() collex_tb <- collex_prepare_leipzig(list_output = coll_df, leipzig_wordlist_path = leipzig_mywordlist_path, node_pattern = rgx, span = c("r1"), stopwords_list = NULL) # remove any NA row data collex_tb <- dplyr::filter_all(collex_tb, dplyr::all_vars(! # compute one-tailed FYE for collexeme analysis collex_tb <- dplyr::mutate(collex_tb, collstr = collex_fye(a = .data$a, # here is the call to collex_fye n_corpus = .data$corpus_size, n_coll = .data$n_w_in_corp, n_cxn = .data$n_pattern)) # sort in decreasing order by collostruction strength dplyr::arrange(collex_tb, dplyr::desc(collstr)) }