This is a vectorised wrapper for the dhyper function in the stats package. The implementation of the code is adapted from Gries (2012). collex_fye also provides a logical argument (i.e., two_sided) whose value is passed to the alternative argument of the embedded fisher.test if two_sided is TRUE.

  a = "frequency of co-occurrence of the collocate and the node",
  a_exp = "expected frequency",
  n_w_in_corp = "total frequency of collexemes/collocates in the whole corpus",
  corpus_size = "total size of the corpus",
  n_pattern = "total frequency of the construction/node word in the whole corpus",
  two_sided = FALSE,
  collstr_res = TRUE,
  float = 3



cell a in a 2-by-2 crosstabulation matrix (viz. representing the co-occurrence tokens of the levels of the variables. For instance, word-word co-occurrences, or word-construction co-occurrences).


expected frequency for cell a in the 2-by-2 crosstabulation matrix


the total frequency of the collexemes/collocates of the target construction/node word in the corpus.


the total size (in word tokens) of the corpus.


the total frequency of occurrence of the target construction/node word in the corpus.


logical; whether to perform one-sided test (FALSE -- Default) or two-sided (TRUE).


logical; whether output the FYE p-value as the Collostruction Strength value (TRUE -- the default) or just report the p-value (FALSE).


the floating digits of the Collostruction/Collocation Strength. The default value is 3.


Numeric vector of the same length as a interpreted as the Collostruction Strength of the construction/node word with the collexemes/collocates. Collostruction Strength is (i) the negative logarithm to the base of ten of the Fisher-Yates Exact test p-value when a > a_exp, and (ii) the positive logarithm when a <= a_exp.


if (FALSE) { # do the collocate search using "corpus_path" input-option library(tidyverse) df <- colloc_default(corpus_path = orti_bali_path, pattern = "^nuju$", window = "b", # focusing on both left and right context window span = 3) # retrieve 3 collocates to the left and right of the node # prepare the collexeme analysis input tibble # and select to focus on R1 and R2 collocates. collex_tb <- collex_prepare(df, span = c("r1", "r2")) # run the Fisher-Yates Exact (FYE) Test in vectorised fashion with the help of purrr's pmap # the example below runs the one-tailed FYE and output the p-value in log10 of CollStr value collex_tb <- mutate(collex_tb, collstr = purrr::pmap_dbl(list(a, a_exp, n_w_in_corp, corpus_size, n_pattern), collex_fye, two_sided = FALSE, collstr_res = TRUE)) # preview the results collex_tb }