A function to retrieve list of distinctive or attracted items for a construction from the results of mdca.

  df = NULL,
  filter_by = "cxn",
  cxn_var = "synonyms",
  cxn_type = NULL,
  coll_var = NULL,
  coll_type = NULL,
  min_assocstr = 2



output data frame from mdca.


character string indicating whether the output of mdca is filtered according to the construction variable (i.e. "cxn") or the collexemes/collocates variable (i.e. "colloc"). If it is left NULL (the default), the data is filtered according to the value specified in the min_assocstr argument.


character string for the column name of the construction variable (i.e., "synonyms").


character strings of regular expressions for the HAPPINESS synonyms.


character string for the column name of the metaphor variable (i.e., "metaphors").


character strings of regular expressions for the conceptual metaphors.


numeric threshold for the minimum collostruction strength. By default it is set to 2.


A tibble/data frame


Rajeg, G. P. W. (2019). Metaphorical profiles and near-synonyms: A corpus-based study of Indonesian words for HAPPINESS. PhD Thesis. Monash University. Melbourne, Australia. https://doi.org/10.26180/5cac231a97fb1.


# for distinctive metaphors mdca_res <- mdca(df = phd_data_metaphor, cxn_var = "synonyms", coll_var = "metaphors", correct_holm = TRUE, concise_output = TRUE, already_count_table = FALSE, assocstr_digits = 3) # retrieve distinctive/attracted metaphors for "kebahagiaan". mdca_attr(df = mdca_res, filter_by = "cxn", cxn_var = "synonyms", cxn_type = "kebahagiaan", min_assocstr = 2)
#> # A tibble: 4 x 8 #> metaphors synonyms n exp assocstr p_binomial p_holm dec #> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> #> 1 happiness is a desir… kebahagi… 125 55.2 20.2 6.190e-21 3.838e… *** #> 2 intensity of happine… kebahagi… 23 10.7 3.87 1.357e-04 8.032e… ms #> 3 happiness is a posse… kebahagi… 181 141. 3.77 1.711e-04 1.011e… ns #> 4 happiness is a movin… kebahagi… 19 9.98 2.58 2.650e-03 1.000e… ns