The function is designed to easily retrieve a tibble data frame of the top-n most frequent Lexical Units (LU) of the prominent metaphors discussed in Rajeg (2019, Chapter 5 and 6).

  metaphor = "regular expressions",
  top_n_only = TRUE,
  top_n_limit = 10,
  df = NULL,
  submapping_perc = FALSE,
  incl_submappings = FALSE



regular expressions for the relevant metaphor.


logical; the default is TRUE with the number specified in top_n_limit argument. If FALSE, it prints all the LU for the metaphor.


integer; how many most frequent LU should be printed? The default is 10.


the data frame for the thesis (phd_data_metaphor). This argument is not put first because the main attention when using the function is on varying the metaphor (hence, coming first) rather than on varying the database.


logical; wheter to include the percentages of the LU by submappings. If TRUE, the function only print out the percentages of the LU by submappings. To include the submapping types, specify the incl_submappings argument to TRUE as well (the default is FALSE).


logical; whether to include the submappings inferred from the LU (TRUE) or not (FALSE -- the default).


A tbl_df.


Rajeg, G. P. W. (2019). Metaphorical profiles and near-synonyms: A corpus-based study of Indonesian words for HAPPINESS. PhD Thesis. Monash University. Melbourne, Australia.


get_lu_table(metaphor = "desired goal$", df = phd_data_metaphor)
#> # A tibble: 10 x 4 #> Lexical_units Gloss N Perc_overall #> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl> #> 1 *cari* to search/look for 74 25.3 #> 2 *capai* to reach 51 17.4 #> 3 *raih* to pull/reach sth. towards the body 27 9.22 #> 4 *kejar* to chase 24 8.19 #> 5 *temukan* to find 24 8.19 #> 6 *tujuan* destination/goal 13 4.44 #> 7 *menuju* to head to 9 3.07 #> 8 *jalan* way 8 2.73 #> 9 *kunci* key 8 2.73 #> 10 *gapai* to reach out 6 2.05