The function generates a table of frequency and percentages of Lexical units evoking certain submappings of a metaphor.

  metaphor = NULL,
  word = NULL,
  print_all = FALSE,
  top_n = FALSE,
  limit = 10,
  df = NULL,
  metaphor_var = "metaphors",
  submet_var = "submappings",
  synonym_var = "synonyms",
  lexunit_var = "lu",
  lexunit_gloss_var = "lu_gloss"



regular expressions for the relevant metaphor.


character strings of regular expressions for the HAPPINESS synonyms.


logical; print all output


logical; limit to the top-n LUs


integer; maximum rows to be printed from the top-n LUs


the data frame (phd_data_metaphor).


character string for the column name of the metaphor variable (i.e., "metaphors").


character string for the column name of the submapping variable (i.e., "submappings").


character string for the column name of the synonyms variable (i.e., "synonyms").


character string for the column name of the lexical unit variable (i.e., "lu").


character string for the column name of the gloss of the lexical units (i.e., "lu_gloss").


A tibble containing the submappings, LUs and the glosses, frequency of each LUs of the metaphor, percentage of each LUs in the metaphor, and percentage of each LUs by the evoked submappings.


Rajeg, G. P. W. (2019). Metaphorical profiles and near-synonyms: A corpus-based study of Indonesian words for HAPPINESS. PhD Thesis. Monash University. Melbourne, Australia.


# for all synonyms get_lu_submappings_table(metaphor = "liquid in a container", df = phd_data_metaphor)
#> # A tibble: 37 x 6 #> submappings lu lu_gloss n perc_expr_overa… perc_expr_by_sub… #> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 expression of ha… terpa… to be spur… 43 27.6 43 #> 2 expression of ha… luapan overflow 25 16.0 25 #> 3 expression of ha… panca… to spurt s… 9 5.77 9 #> 4 expression of ha… salur… to funnel … 4 2.56 4 #> 5 expression of ha… panca… a spurting… 3 1.92 3 #> 6 expression of ha… curah… outpouring 2 1.28 2 #> 7 expression of ha… tertu… to be pour… 2 1.28 2 #> 8 expression of ha… tuang… to pour ou… 2 1.28 2 #> 9 expression of ha… air b… flood 1 0.64 1 #> 10 expression of ha… alirk… to flow an… 1 0.64 1 #> # … with 27 more rows
# for \emph{kegembiraan} 'joy' get_lu_submappings_table(metaphor = "liquid in a container", word = "kegembiraan", df = phd_data_metaphor)
#> # A tibble: 12 x 7 #> synonyms submappings lu lu_gloss n perc_expr_overa… perc_expr_by_su… #> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 kegembir… expression … luap… overflow 21 31.3 55.3 #> 2 kegembir… expression … terp… to be s… 10 14.9 26.3 #> 3 kegembir… expression … tuan… to pour… 2 2.99 5.26 #> 4 kegembir… expression … air … flood 1 1.49 2.63 #> 5 kegembir… expression … lamp… to gush… 1 1.49 2.63 #> 6 kegembir… expression … memb… to over… 1 1.49 2.63 #> 7 kegembir… expression … panc… to spur… 1 1.49 2.63 #> 8 kegembir… expression … tert… to be p… 1 1.49 2.63 #> 9 kegembir… high intens… limp… to brim… 1 1.49 100 #> 10 kegembir… intensified… luap… to boil… 19 28.4 76 #> 11 kegembir… intensified… melu… to boil… 6 8.96 24 #> 12 kegembir… preventing … bend… to dam … 3 4.48 100