The function to produce frequency table required as input for association measures for collocations

  colloc_out = NULL,
  window_span = NULL,
  per_corpus = FALSE,
  stopword_list = NULL,
  float_digits = 3



The output list of colloc_leipzig.


Specify the window and span combination of the collocates to focus on for the measure (e.g., "r1" for 1 word to the right of the node; or a set of values as in c("r1", "r2")). The default is NULL.


Logical; whether to process the collocates per corpus file (TRUE) or aggregate the data across the corpus files (FALSE).


Character vectors containing list of stopwords to be removed from the collocation measures.


The numeric vector for floating digits of the expected frequency values. The default is 3.


A tbl_df of two columns. One of them is nested columns with input-data for row-wise association measure calculation (e.g., the Fisher-Exact Test with collex_fye).


# Apology that I commented the examples due to error in parsing # the examples section for assoc_prepare and colloc_leipzig # when building the website using pkgdown. # I still cannot get solution to this issue. # If the colloc_leipzig output is stored as list on console, run as follows #assoc_tb <- assoc_prepare(colloc_out = colloc_leipzig_output, # window_span = "r1", # per_corpus = FALSE, # stopword_list = NULL, # float_digits = 3) # If the output of colloc_leipzig is saved into disk # supply the vector of output file names ## Example of running colloc_leipzig with "save_interim = TRUE" # outfiles <- colloc_leipzig(leipzig_path = c('corp_path1.txt', 'corp_path2.txt'), # pattern = "mengatakan", # window = "r", # span = 3, # save_interim = TRUE # save interim results to disk # freqlist_output_file = "~/Desktop/out_1_freqlist.txt", # colloc_output_file = "~/Desktop/out_2_collocates.txt", # corpussize_output_file = "~/Desktop/out_3_corpus_size.txt", # search_pattern_output_file = "~/Desktop/out_4_search_pattern.txt" # ) ## Example of supplying colloc_out with "outfiles" #assoc_tb <- assoc_prepare(colloc_out = outfiles, # window_span = "r1", # per_corpus = FALSE, # stopword_list = stopwords, # float_digits = 3)